An important part of building an artifact is evaluating it. An architect may design a lovely bridge, and an engineer may construct it using his or her best materials, but, in the end, the users of the bridge want some--more than some--assurance that the bridge will stand up to the loads it was designed and built to bear. Similarly, when we design and build parsers to embed into application programs, we want to evaluate them, to test whether they do what they are built to do. Parsers built into interactive programs are built to do two things: to translate accurately the intentions of a user as expressed in natural language, into internal representations that model those intentions; and to do so in a way that supports the simulation of a user in carrying on a conversation with the computer. Therefore, we will look for ways to measure accuracy and transparency. Further, we would like some assurance that the parser can be sized to fit the application--that the parser will scale up. In this chapter, we will look at specific measures, using the Casper customer service representative (CSR) tutor as an example[1].
A model of embedded parsing
In Casper, a novice customer service representative communicates with simulated customers. As the student communicates, a tutorial system intervenes. As with any such program, the number of interventions is limited--the tutor will be built to respond in certain situations, but not in others. So, a key feature of such systems is that there is a limited (even if large) number of responses the system can process. In general, we can model such an embedded parser (Figure 2.1 shows a diagram) as a selection process.
Model of an embedded parser
An embedded parser is built to transform text that a user enters in a particular situation, for which the system has a set of possible responses. The system is built to turn that text into a representation or set of representations that the system can use to make the appropriate responses.
In the case of the Casper tutor, a user might be in the situation of troubleshooting a (simulated) customer's water quality problem; for example, trying to determine exactly what the problem is that the customer is experiencing. Among the tutor's possible responses is to intervene if the student is asking leading questions (for example, "Do you have black bits in the water?") and tell the student to ask non-leading questions ("Can you describe the water to me?"). Among the representations that the parser might produce are those for the questions "Do you have black bits in the water?" and "Can you describe the water to me?"
So, given this model of embedded parsing, to evaluate a parser embedded in an application program, we want to ask:
Does the parser produce the right representations? That is, is the parser accurate?
Does the parser promote the sense that a conversation is taking place? That is, is the parser transparent?
Is the parser capable of adequately handling the varieties of texts, users, situations and possible responses it might meet? That is, is the parser scalable?
Measuring Accuracy
To measure the accuracy of a parser presumes we know the answer to the question: What has the parser been built for? For example, parsers built as general, off-the-shelf tools such as the CLARE system (Alshawi et al. 1992) or the Alvey NL Tools (Briscoe, et al. 1987), might define accuracy as coverage: that is, how much of naturally occurring language the parser is likely to be able to process. A typical statement of coverage, perhaps, comes from a description of the natural language processing system in the Cyc project. "The Syntax module can properly handle about 75% of the sentences found in the news stories of a typical issue of the newspaper USA Today ... by `properly' here we mean that the output is as good as what our knowledge enterers independently come up with." (Guha & Lenat 1994, p. 138). And this example is from a description of the Alvey NL Tools; its grammar is "in principle able to analyse 96.8% of a corpus of 10,000 noun phrases taken from a variety of corpora (Carroll 1994, footnote 2)." Parsers might be built for more immediate tasks, such as text categorization or information extraction. For example, the Message Understanding Conferences (MUC) bring together a variety of research systems to compare their abilities to read articles (for example, about terrorist episodes) and fill in a template about the article such as who were the victims and the perpetrators (Jacobs & Rau 1993; Soderland & Lehnert 1994).
But our task is not syntactic coverage, information extraction or text categorization. Rather, we are describing parsers embedded into application programs, as modelled in Figure 2.1. There are three inputs to a parser: a text, a user and a situation. The output of the parser should be a set of representations that accurately model the intentions of the user in the situation, as expressed by the input text.
To measure the accuracy of a parser, we assume the existence of an oracle that can return just those representations that accurately model the intentions of the user in a situation as expressed by the text--assuming the representations exist that do so model the user's intentions. If we have such an oracle, we can compare the output of the parser with the output of the oracle. We will call the representations that an oracle would produce oracular representations, and the representations produced by the parser parsed-to representations. A representation that is both a parsed-to representation and an oracular representation is a relevant representation.
Recall and Precision
There are a variety of ways of comparing the output of the oracle and the output of the parser. Two of the most commonly used are recall and precision (Salton & McGill 1983; Jacobs & Rau 1993; Soderland & Lehnert 1994). Recall is the ratio of relevant representations to oracular representations. We want parsers that have high recall--this means that the parser produces the representations that the idealized oracle produces (although it may also produce other representations that the oracle wouldn't). In equation form:
An important question to ask is where the oracle comes from. Because the oracle is an idealized construct, we can only approximate one. One approach is to avoid approximating the oracle altogether, and to use information theoretic measures of the effect of different information sources on the probability that a given hypothesis, , is true (for example, Rosenfeld 1994). Another approach, exemplified by the MUC evaluations, is to approximate the oracle by enumerating the correct answers for a given sample of inputs, and assume that these results project to the general population of inputs (Jacobs & Rau 1993). This is the approach we will take in this work.
Perfect and acceptable recall rates
In the model of embedded parsing given above, the output of the parser is a representation or set of representations. It may be that, for the purposes of the application program, it would be acceptable for an oracular representation to appear within a set of representations of a certain size. For example, in the Casper system, the student can pick from the top seven best results of the parser. As long as the oracular representation is within the top n results, we can call it a relevant representation. Figure 2.2 shows the results from the Casper parser from the text, "Describe the particles, please." The oracular match, "What kind of bits are in your water?" is shown in bold face. Because this sentence appears in the top seven results, we call this an acceptable match; because it is also the best match returned by the parser, we say it is a perfect match.
Results from parsing "Describe the particles, please"
With these definitions in mind, we can also define perfect recall and acceptable recall. Perfect recall is the recall ratio when we describe a representation as relevant if it is the best (or only) match produced by the parser. Acceptable recall is the recall ratio when the representation is relevant as long as it appears in the top n matches produced by the parser.
Measuring transparency
Recall and precision are measures of the accuracy of a parser. We would also like to measure how transparent a parser is. Following Heidegger, Winograd and Flores (1987) discuss the readiness to hand of tools. A tool is ready to hand if it becomes transparent in its use. That is, we don't notice a hammer when we're pounding a nail because we focus on the goal of getting the nail in the wood. If the hammering fails, we might then examine the hammer--perhaps the flat end has become worn, or there is some other problem. The hammer becomes unready to hand; while examining it, we cannot be pounding. Similarly, a parser is ready to hand, or transparent, when the user of the parser does not have to wonder about the tool and its workings, but can concentrate on achieving the communicate goals he or she has. Two characteristics of a parser that will affect transparency are speed and negotiation. These characteristics are defined below.
Measuring speed
Accuracy measurements affect transparency, but there are other reasons that a parser could become non-transparent. A parser will tend to become less transparent as the time it takes to return its results increases. The amount of time it takes for a parser to return its results for a specific interaction we will call the time to parse.
In the natural language parsing literature, time to parse is typically measured in one of two ways. In the first way, the algorithmic computational complexity of the parsing algorithms used are examined. The advantage of this approach is that a theoretical upper bound on the parse time can be given. Unfortunately, most parsing algorithms have upper bounds that are cubic to the length of the input string (that is, an estimate of how long it will take to parse a sentence of n words will be dominated by some function of n3). Empirically, though, parsers tend to do much better than this, and so even researchers who are of a theoretical bent are proposing empirical testing of different parsers (Slocum 1981, Carroll 1994). For parsers in interactive programs, perhaps the best measure of parse time is perceived average wall time: that is, asking the users of the system whether, on average, the parser was fast enough in returning its results.
Measuring negotiation
It is often the case that an interactive program will allow the user to commit to or to reject the results of a parse, and, if the user rejects the parse, to try again to produce an acceptable parse. This is analogous to a human conversation, in which one person says something, call it A, and the other person asks whether by A the first person meant B (a paraphrase of A). The first person can agree, or try again. We'll assume that the fewer number of turns the user needs to negotiate the meaning of the user's input, the more transparent the parser will be. Measuring how long it takes on average to come to an agreement we'll call negotiation length.
We have developed two measurements of negotiation length, both of which make use of the user's being able to make multiple attempts before committing to a result. One important fact is that a user must (unless he or she gives up) commit to some result at some time. The first measurement we call the first strike percentage. This measures the percentage of times the parser returns a result that is accepted by the user on the first attempt. We can also measure how many attempts it takes for a student to reach a result, and average this over all the attempts. This we'll call the average path length; the closer the average path length is to 1.0, the more transparent it is (an interface with a first strike rate of 100% would have an average path length of 1.0).
Measuring scale-up
One of the most important questions to ask of any parsing technology, especially ones built on concepts and techniques in artificial intelligence, is whether it will scale up to large problems (Schank 1991). The question remains, how would we measure whether a parser scales?
There are two concerns related to scale up. One concern is with the development cost of scaling up: Is it possible to create the representations needed to support parsing? The other concern is with the complexity of the representations of the application program. Assuming that representations can be built for parsing, how well will the parser behave (for example, on recall measures) as the underlying complexity increases?
Practically, though, we may only need measure scale-up for a particular implementation of a parser in an application program. In this case, the complexity of the underlying representations is known. In terms of the model of embedded parsing given before, we know the range of situations and responses which the parser will encounter (although we probably do not know the range of texts and users the parser will encounter).
Then, measuring scale-up becomes a qualitative answer to the following questions:
Is the cost of creating the parser acceptable?
Are the other measures of accuracy and transparency acceptable for the entire range of situations and possible responses at a given complexity of the application program?
And so, determining whether a parser scales up will depend on whether we are asking whether the parser will work in other application programs and domains or whether the parser will work in a particular application program and domain.
Evaluation measures for embedded parsers
is the ratio of relevant results to oracular results produced by the parser.
Perfect recall rate and acceptable recall rate measure the percentage of times
a result is judged relevant only if it is the best match, or within the top n
matches, respectively.
is the ratio of relevant results to all results produced by the parser.
| |
to parse
average wall time is a subjective judgement by a system's users that the parser
returns its results quickly enough.
of negotiation
strike percentage is the percentage that the user chooses the first result
given by the parser. Average path length is the average number of interactions
between the user and the parser before the user accepts a result.
| |
the parser and its required representations be built cheaply enough?
measures at a given size of the application program
the measures of accuracy and transparency acceptable at a certain complexity of
the program?
The particular characteristics requirements and characteristics of embedded parsers lead us to propose several nuances to standard evaluation metrics, summarized in Table 2.1. In measuring accuracy, we need to develop a model of the relevance of the results of an interaction with the parser. This needs to take into effect not only the language input to the parser, but what a particular user is intending to say in a given situation. The output of the parser needs to be representations that the user can accept or reject as adequate models of the user's intentions. We can operationalize the accuracy of a parser by comparing the output of the parser to the output of an oracular parser that perfectly translates a user's intentions in a given situation, as expressed by some text, into just the right representations the user will recognize as modeling his or her intentions. We can measure how often and how well this is done with the measures of recall and precision
Another requirement of a parser in an interactive program is that it be transparent--that it appear invisible and not intrude onto the task the user is trying to accomplish within the application program. We require that embedded parsers be fast enough on average for a user not to notice the parser in action, and that it return the right results soon enough so that the user can continue on his or her tasks. We have proposed average perceived wall time to measure time to parse, and two measures of time to parse correctly: first strike percentage and average path length.
Finally, we require that our parsers scale up--that is, as the parsing requirements for applications grow, the parser must be able to handle these requirements.
As parsers are embedded in different application programs, different ways of measuring these characteristics will become possible or impossible. For example, a particular application may require that no negotiation take place between the user and the parser; if this is so, then the average path length measure cannot be measured. These evaluation metrics should be taken as general guidelines for creating specific measurements for parsers in specific contexts, and we will make use of them in the chapters that follow.
[1.]Although the evaluation metrics are defined in this chapter, and we use Casper as an example, the actual evaluation of the parsers developed for Casper is described in Chapters 4 and 5.