In the previous two chapters, we described the development of indexed concept parsing in the context of the Casper customer service representative tutor. In this chapter, we describe the steps required for creating an indexed concept parser for application programs in general. Essentially, there are five major tasks in creating an index concept parser:
Gather background information,
Choose matching and appraiser functions,
Design the interface,
Create indices,
Evaluate and refine the parser.
We will examine each of these general tasks in turn. After describing the tasks, we describe the functional roles involved in carrying out these tasks (the roles of programmer, content specialist and interface designer), and how the tasks are ordered.
Gather background information
To build an embedded conceptual parser, we first need to gather background information about the application program, specifically its conceptual memory and ways its interface will affect the parsing task. Having gathered information about the application program, one needs to:
Identify the target concepts within the conceptual memory,
Identify the architecture of conceptual memory, and
Identify contextual supports provided by the application program.
We describe each of these in turn.
Identify the target concepts
We will need to know what are the target concepts of that memory. That is, we need to identify what specific conceptual representations are important to recognize. In Casper, these were the statements a customer service representative might make.
Identify the architecture of conceptual memory
We need to know the structure of the conceptual memory used by the application program because this affects the way we identify and construct both index and target concepts. Conceptual memories are typically structured as taxonomies and partonomies. In a taxonomy, concepts in memory are related to one another in an abstraction hierarchy (isa hierarchy). In a partonomy, a concept is related to another concept if the first is the value of some attribute (that is, is a part of) some other concept.
It is not always the case that the conceptual memory will have taxonomic or partonomic structure. In the applications we have seen, Creanimate's conceptual memory was organized into several taxonomies with partonomic structure. The concepts in Casper, on the other hand, were neither organized into taxonomies or partonomies. However, if the conceptual memory is organized taxonomically or partonomically, we may be able to use this structure in building or identifying index concepts (this is described in greater detail in Section 7.4).
Ideally, the index concepts will be defined in the same language as the target concepts. In order to create index concepts and use them in parsing, we need to know:
how to define a concept,
how to define an abstraction relationship between two concepts,
how to define a partonomic (attribute/value) relationship between two concepts,
how to determine whether one concept is an abstraction or specialization of another concept,
how to determine all of the abstractions of a concept, and
how to determine the value of an attribute of a concept.
Typical Lisp forms for creating and accessing hierarchical and
partonomic conceptual relations
a concept
a concept named name.
an abstraction relationship
abst to be an abstraction of spec
| |
an attribute/value relationship
value to be the attribute attr of concept name.
| |
whether there is an abstraction relationship between two concepts
abst an abstraction (specialization) of spec?
all of the abstractions of a concept
all of the abstractions of name (including name)
| |
the value of an attribute of a concept
is the value of attr in name?
Identify contextual clues provided by the application program
As someone uses an application program, typically the situation he or she is in will affect the task of the parser, providing contextual clues to constrain or support the task of parsing. These clues can come from any number of different sources, but they will primarily affect how we process target concepts and build phrasal patterns. Two types of contextual clues are expectations on target concepts, and clues about acceptable phrasal patterns.
Expectations on target concepts. The most common (and perhaps most useful) contextual clue will be expectations on target concepts. Typically, in a particular situation, only certain target concepts will produce meaningful responses from the application program. Informing the parser about which target concepts are to be expected in a particular situation can increase the parser's precision. This can be done by creating an appraiser (See Section 7.2.3) based on these expectations.
Clues for phrasal patterns. Often, the interface of the application program will suggest to the user certain phrasal patterns the parser needs to recognize. This can happen in a number of ways. For example, in the Creanimate program, the prompted templates set expectations for the linguistic forms a student could type. Similarly, in the initial version of the Casper parser, the text of the templates was used as part of the phrasal patterns attached to target concepts.
In addition to the text that appears in templates, text and graphics elsewhere
in the application interface can affect the phrasal patterns required. For
example, in the Casper tutor, students were provided with a "water map" that
showed how the water company processed and delivered water to customers (See
Figure 7.1). The primary goal of the water map was to act as a pedagogical aid
to students as they developed internal models of solving problems about water
quality. But the pictures and text on the water map also affect what the parser
must recognize. For example, a British equivalent of "fire fighters" is "the
fire brigade," and so they are described on the water map. But even North
American users of Casper were likely to use "fire brigade" to refer to fire
fighters, because this expression appears on the water map. Therefore, "fire
brigade" was a phrasal pattern that needed to be added to the index concept for
fire fighters, even for a North American audience.
It is always useful for a designer of an embedded program to understand the application into which it will be embedded. For building an indexed concept parser, there is a special need to understand the conceptual memory underlying the application program, and how the interactions which a user has with the application program will affect parsing.
Choose matching and appraiser functions
Having investigated the conceptual representations the application expects and affords, one should have a good foundation for the next stages in creating an indexed concept parser. The central task will be to index the target concepts. But before indexing begins, it is important to select matching, text transducing and appraising functions.
Choose a matching function
When an indexed concept parser processes text, it proceeds in two stages. First, the parser looks for references to index concepts in the input text. Then, the set of index concepts found is matched against target concepts in memory. How the parser finds references to index concepts in the input text can vary; the two matchers we have described in previous chapters rely on either a simple search technique, or Direct Memory Access Parsing.
A simple search technique may be enough for finding references to index concepts in input text. For example, the following Common Lisp function will determine whether a phrasal pattern can be found in an input text:
(defun phrase-match-p (phrasal-pattern words)
(search phrasal-pattern words))
This assumes the input text has been converted into symbols (see the next section on text transducing functions), and that phrasal patterns are defined as lists of symbols.
Finding references to index concepts in the input text can also be done using Direct Memory Access Parsing. DMAP can collect references to index concepts and pass them on to the next stage of indexed concept parsing. A DMAP-style parser is required if the phrasal patterns to index concepts are structured (that is, have references to the partonomic or taxonomic structure of an index concept). Although a DMAP-style parser is required for recognizing index concepts via structured phrasal patterns, DMAP-style parsers will work in the simpler case as well, when the phrasal patterns do not have structure.
Choose text transducing functions
Often, the input text will need to be converted into another form before the parsing techniques can be used. This may be simply converting input strings into symbolic form. It may mean using stemming techniques to supply the parser with root forms of words, rather than the words themselves. Before adding phrasal patterns to index concepts, it is important to understand exactly what requirements there will be on the patterns. If the parser is built to look for symbolic roots as phrasal patterns, then the text needs to be converted into a list of symbolic roots.
Choose appraisal functions
In the first stage of indexed concept parsing, the matcher collects references to index concepts in the input text. In the second stage, these index concepts are matched against the index concepts associated with target concepts. The goodness of match is calculated with user-defined appraisal functions, as described in Chapter 5. In the previous chapters, we described four criteria with which to judge the match between an input text and a target concept:
Index concepts predicted. How many of the index concepts associated with the target concept were seen in the input text?
Index concepts unpredicted. How many of the index concepts seen in the input text were not associated with the target concept?
Index concepts unseen. How many of the index concepts associated with the target concept were seen in the input text?
Expectations. Was this target concept expected in the current situation?
In calculating the match score between an input text and a target concept, points are added for the index concepts predicted, and points are subtracted for index concepts unpredicted and index concepts unseen. How many points are added or subtracted needs to be specified to the index concept parser. Some different possibilities are:
Add one point for each index concept seen, and subtract one point for each index concept unpredicted or unseen.
Add one point for each index concept seen, and ignore unpredicted or unseen index concepts.
Add the information value[2] for each index concept seen, and subtract the information value for each unpredicted or unseen index concept.
Which possibility to choose will depend on characteristics of the representations used and what type of statements the users of the application will create. The last scoring method, the default given in the appendix, has the characteristics:
In providing positive evidence (index concepts seen), index concepts with high information value provide exponentially more weight than index concepts with low information value, and
Negative evidence (index concepts not seen or not predicted) is considered, but only to the extent of the information value of the index concepts involved.
Because of the weighting mechanism described in the next section, each of the appraisal functions must return a value between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. In the Appendix, appraisal functions that calculate matches based on index concepts seen, index concepts not seen, and index concepts not predicted are given. As we saw in Chapter 6, however, an appraisal function based on expectations for target concepts can greatly improve the recall and precision of an indexed concept parser.
Set the weights for the appraisal functions
The four appraisal functions described in the previous section can be weighted to bias the matching towards one or more of the criteria. This is done through a voting mechanism: Each criterion defined is assigned one or more votes. Two common strategies are:
Bias the parser towards target concepts that are expected.
Bias the parser towards positive evidence.
An example setting to execute these strategies would be giving the expectation criterion five votes, the index concepts predicted criterion three votes, and the other criteria one vote each. This provides a strong bias towards expected target concepts and a weaker bias towards the positive evidence of index concepts seen[3].
Design the parser interface
Another step is the design of the human-computer interface to the embedded parser. A typical interaction with an embedded indexed concept parser in an interactive parser will have the following steps:
The user enters text into a type-in box.
The user presses a "Parse this" button (which may, of course, say something else, or be activated when the Return or Enter key is pressed).
The indexed concept parser parses the input, and presents the best matches to the user.
The user commits to one of the best matches, or returns to step 1.
The specifics of the "look and feel" of the interface will depend on a number of requirements, and it is beyond the scope of this dissertation to discuss all of these. However, certain design choices will impinge on the parsing, and these will be of particular concern. These choices include the use of template screens and the acceptable set size.
Template Screens
In previous chapters, we described the use of templates and template screens. Templates are prompted, fill-in-the-blank interface items that suggest to the user the types of input that will be parsable. In Chapter 4, we described a complicated template screen mechanism that did not work very well, and it was our desire to move away from prompted templates that suggested the technique of indexed concept parsing. However, if it is possible to create template screens, they can affect parsing positively, by providing clues to the user as to what is expected. The text of the prompts and that syntactic requirements of what is to be entered into the blank will affect the phrasal patterns that are defined for index concepts. It may even suggest (as in the Creanimate case) that more direct parsing methods, such as DMAP, can be used.
Choose the acceptable set size
The acceptable set size is the number of best-matched target concepts which the indexed concept parser should return. In the Casper parser, the acceptable set size was seven. The best match was given as the default response for the user to select, and additional target concepts were selectable from a separate user menu.
If the acceptable set size is one--that is, the parser should return only the best match--one should be aware that there is likely to be a significantly larger number of parsing failures. In the analyses of the Casper parser given in the previous chapter, there are 10 to 20% differences between perfect and acceptable recall rates.
Index the target concepts
Indexing the target concepts of an application program means building representations for index concepts and phrasal patterns. The basic methodology is this:
For each target concept, identify sets of index concepts.
For each index concept, identify phrasal patterns.
Index each target concept with sets of index concepts
To be found in the matching phase, each target concept must have associated with it at least one set of index concepts. It may be helpful to think of each set of index concepts applying to a paraphrase of the target concept. For example, in the Casper tutor, in which customer service representative statements were the target concepts, the following target concept:
ASK-NEIGHBOURS-AFFECTED Are your neighbours also affected?
has the following set of index concepts attached to it:
But the following set of index concepts is also attached to this target concept:
This set of index concepts was created to recognize input statements of the type, "Are your neighbours experiencing similar problems?" which is a paraphrase for "Are your neighbours affected?" seen in student inputs.
Index each index concept with phrasal patterns
Each index concept needs at least one phrasal pattern attached to it, or it will not be recognized. Multiple phrasal patterns can be associated with each index concept. We have described three different types of phrasal patterns in this work, each a linearly ordered set:
sets of words,
sets of word roots,
sets of word roots in combination with structural references.
As we described in Section 7.2, what the phrasal patterns consist of will depend on the matching function we use in the first stage of indexed concept parsing as well as the text transducing functions we apply to the input text.
Evaluate and refine the parser
Having created an indexed concept parser for an application using the steps described previously, the next step is to evaluate it. Of course, we have described doing indexing in an iterative manner, so some of this evaluation can take place as the indexing occurs. But in the end, the parser needs to be evaluated using a real target population. How this evaluation takes place will vary from project to project, but evaluation principles are described in Chapter 2 of this dissertation, and descriptions of specific evaluation methods used are described in the chapters on the Creanimate and Casper parsers.
Who does what, when?
Building an indexed concept parser requires three basic function roles--a programmer, a content specialist (knowledge engineer), and an interface designer. Of course, combinations of these roles can be carried out by the same person; for example, the programmer may act as the content specialist as well. The programmer has overall responsibility for creating the software that implements the indexed concept parser. The content specialist is especially responsible for creating index concepts and phrasal patterns. The interface designer is responsible for designing the parser's human-computer interface. Figure 7.2 lays out in detail the responsibilities of these roles. This figure also shows the dependencies among the tasks described in this chapter, and therefore show how the steps are to be sequenced.
This chapter has described the various tasks involved in creating an indexed concept parser. After gathering background information about the application (especially identify the target concepts and architecture of the conceptual memory), the specific parameters of the parser are defined (especially deciding on a matching function and appraisers). Then, the target concepts are indexed, and phrasal patterns assigned to index concepts. Finally, the parser is tested and refined.
In the next chapter, we exemplify this methodology by describing how an indexed concept parser was added to the TransAsk military logistics advisor.
[1.]With the exception that the version of DEF-FRAME in the Appendix defines concepts, abstraction relationships and attribute/value relationships with one form.
[2.]As stated in Chapter 5, the information value of an index concept is , where r is the number of times the index concept is assigned to target concepts, and n is the number of index concepts.
[3.]Note that by the algorithm given for indexed concept parsing in Chapter 5, a target concept is not scored unless at least one index concept associated with the concept is seen in the input. This means that the bias towards expected target concepts does not come into play unless one of its associated indexed concepts is seen.