On August 2, 1990, Iraqi troops invaded the neighboring country of Kuwait and overran its defenses within a few days. The United States began deploying forces in Saudi Arabia (as part of Operation Desert Shield) on August 7, at the invitation of the Saudi government. On January 17, 1991, international forces led by the United States (in Operation Desert Storm) invaded Iraq and approximately one month later forced Iraqi troops to leave Kuwait (Blair 1992, McCausland 1993).
Transportation support for the United States forces was provided by the United States Transportation Command (Transcom). Transcom's job was a difficult and complex one during Desert Storm/Desert Shield (DSS). Over 500,000 US troops, 120 ships and 1,700 aircraft were used in DSS. Furthermore, the rapid deployment of US forces and the rapid advance against Iraqi forces created pressures on the logistics network.
The TransAsk logistics advisor
TransAsk is a multimedia system which attempts to capture the experience
of 25 transportation planners in DSS (Bareiss & Osgood 1993). Designed as a
"job aid, training tool and reference" for officers assigned to Transcom,
TransAsk is a richly interconnected collection of video stories created within
the Ask hypermedia architecture (Ferguson et al. 1992). Figure 8.1 shows the
browsing interface to TransAsk.
Navigating Ask Systems
As Figure 8.1 suggests, links from stories to other stories are described in terms of questions. In Question-based Indexing (Osgood 1994), two stories are linked if a question raised in one story is answered in another. In other words, each story has a set of questions raised and may hold the answers to a set of questions answered. The intersection of questions raised in one story and the questions answered in another form the link between the stories.
There are two methods for navigating Ask systems. One is the questions raised/question answered linking just described, organized in a taxonomy of categories thought to underlie human conversation (Schank & Abelson 1977). This provides local links from story to story. The other interface is the "zoomer" interface. This provides global structure to navigating an Ask system, acting as an overview or map to the system. In TransAsk, the zoomer
is organized around a model of the job roles in the Transcom crisis action team (CAT), the tasks carried out by people in those roles, and typical problems in successfully accomplishing them. This mirrors the situation in which an action officer is likely to consult TransAsk: he/she is in a particular role, carrying out a task, and having a problem doing so (Bareiss & Osgood 1993:4).
Table 8.1 shows the steps a user goes through in order to find a story, using the zooming interface for the TransAsk system.
Steps to zoom to a video story in TransAsk Step the user takes What the user sees on the screen The user selects theThe zooming interface provides a global method of entering the Ask system. The questions raised/questions answered links provide a method for moving locally from story to story in a coherent way.organization (here "US TRANSCOM"). The user selects a
functional role (here "Requirements". The user selects the
specific tasks of interest (here, "Verify accuracy of requirements"). The user selects the
specific question s/he has about the task (here "Handle errors in requirements").
A parsing interface for TransAsk?
In TransAsk, the basic organizing principle is this: The user of the system has a question that he or she wants answered. To find the answer to that question, the user can navigate the zooming interface globally, or find answers to questions raised in a particular story.
The zooming interface and the browsing interface have their advantages, but their main disadvantage is that it is difficult to go directly to a story that answers a question a user has. In the zooming interface, the user must go through four steps to find the question he or she wants--and this assumes the task-based model for organizing the questions is congruent to the user's own model of how questions might be organized. In the browsing interface for TransAsk, the user is limited to just those questions that are raised by the current story.[1] A user would not be able to jump to a story about in-transit visibility during DSS from a story about the dangers of the Good Old Boy Network, for example.
A third interface suggests itself--allow the user to type in his or her question, and bring up the story that answers the question. In the limit, this would require a perfectly intelligent machine, but the techniques for indexed concept parsing may allow us to create a good enough interface. As a prototype parsing interface, consider Table 8.2. The user enters a question. Indexed concept parsing is used to find the best matches to the question, and the user selects one of the best matches.
In this chapter, we discuss building a prototype parsing interface for the TransAsk system. In this chapter, we:
Illustrate the method described in the previous chapter to add an indexed concept parser to a new application program, and
Test indexed concept parsing on a domain with a larger case base than the Casper system.
It should be stressed that this parser is a prototype, and that issues of transparency and so on have not yet been addressed.
Steps to parse to a video story in TransAsk, using a prototype question matcher based on indexed concept parsing Step the user takes What the user sees on the screen The user types in a question and presses the Find button. The user selects the best matching question and presses the Select button.Background information on TransAsk
In the previous chapter, a methodology for creating indexed concept parsers for application programs was described. The first step is to gather background information on the application program, and do the following:
Identify the target concepts
Identify the architecture of conceptual memory
Identify contextual clues provided by the application program.
Target concepts and the architecture of conceptual memory in TransAsk
The target concept in TransAsk is the question answered. Links from one story in TransAsk to another are made by the questions the one story raises to the answers found in the other story. The internal representation of a question answered is simple. It consists of two parts: a question identification number and the text of the number. The following, for example, is a question answered in the TransAsk system:
1408. What is the function of the requirement cell?
This representation is very similar to that of the Casper system, in which CSR statements consisted of a unique symbolic identification and the text of the statement.
One important difference between the statements in Casper and the questions answered in TransAsk is their relative quantity. The Casper tutor had responses to approximately 200 CSR statements. The TransAsk system has approximately 1,800 questions answered, of which approximately 1,650 questions answered were indexed in the TransAsk parser prototype[2].
Contextual clues in TransAsk
The purpose of the TransAsk system was to serve as a job aid, training tool and reference tool for transportation planners in the United States Transportation Command. The prototypical user, then, is a transportation planner generally familiar with the role of transportation planning, and who wants to access the "corporate memory" of transportation planning to answer a particular question he or she has. We make the following assumption:
The Cooperative User Assumption: Statements made reflect the primary goals of a typical user for whom the system was designed.
That is, we assume that it is a transportation planner who is asking questions about transportation planning for the purpose of doing or learning about transportation planning. This assumption is a fairly weak one, in that it still licenses a large number of questions. Still, it allows us to assume that the user isn't asking questions trying to stress or break the parser (for example, "Did Tonya Harding attack Nancy Kerrigan during Desert Storm?", or ask questions that the user already knows the answer (for example, "What is a transportation planner?").
The purpose of a zooming interface
is not designed to get a reader to the exact passage that necessarily answers a specific question. Rather its task is to get the reader into a region of the database within which likely initial questions and others derived from them will be answered via the more precise process of browsing (Osgood 1994:42).
What this means for a parsing zoomer is that "close enough" will be the criterion by which we judge success--and close enough will mean being in a region of the database from which a user can get an appropriate answer for his or her question.
TransAsk's domain is all of transportation planning, especially in the context of Desert Storm/Desert Shield. With Casper, it shares the characteristic of having a very broad underlying conceptual domain, unlike in the Creanimate tutor, where there were strong constraints on what a student could be expected to type.
Matching and appraiser functions, and a design for a TransAsk parser
TransAsk is a general tool that is designed for exploration. Unlike the Creanimate and Casper tutors, there is no control program guiding the interactions between the user and the application, no notion of a scripted path or conversation model. So, the contextual support provided by the pedagogical dialogs in Creanimate and Casper are missing in the TransAsk system.
Further, the broad underlying conceptual domain implies the type of template screens used in Creanimate would fail for the same reason that template screens failed to be a good interface for the first parser for Casper (see chapter 4)--there are too many disparate concepts to represent to build template screens for.
On the other hand, there are two sources of expectations that might be useful. A first source is the cache of recently asked questions and the stories associated with them (currently accessible from the "Go Back" button). Assuming that a user is more likely to want to return to a story that answers a question he or she has recently asked, we might bias the parser towards this cache. Another source of expectations might be the questions answered that appear on the current screen. Because the user knows these questions are definitely in the system, it might be useful to bias the parser towards these. Although these are empirical questions worth exploring once past a prototype system, we developed the TransAsk parser using the following parameters:
A type-in box without prompts,
Using DMAP to match to index concepts,
Using a morphological stemmer which converts strings to stemmed symbols,
Using matching functions that compute the goodness of match based on indices predicted, indices not seen, and indices not predicted, with a bias towards indices predicted.
These are just the defaults used in the indexed concept parser code given in the appendix.
Building representations for the TransAsk parser
There are two steps in building representations for an indexed concept parser:
Index each target concept with sets of index concepts ,
Index each index concept with phrasal patterns .
Because the questions answered in TransAsk did not have any internal structure, we needed to build the index concepts de novo. We built a number of simple tools to index questions answered in TransAsk. These were:
Steps to create a set of index concepts associated with the question answered "What data is tied together in the GTN?" What the specialist does What the content specialist sees on the screen The content specialistA question answered browser (see Figure 8.2),presses the "Suggest" button. The index concepts
{M-THING-DESCRIBE M-INFORMATION M-GTN} are suggested. The content specialist accepts the suggestions, then closes the editor.
An index concept set editor (see Figure 8.3 and Table 8.4),
An index concept editor (see Figure 8.4),
A phrasal pattern editor (see Table 8.5).
The basic method for indexing the questions raised was the following:
Choose a question answered from the question answered browser,
Use the index concept set editor to associate sets of index concept sets with the question answered,
Use the index concept editor to add new index concepts as needed,
Use the phrasal pattern editor to add phrasal patterns to index concepts as needed.
In the next two sections, we go through two examples of indexing specific questions answered.
An example of indexing questions answered in TransAsk
We will walk through the steps required for a content specialist (knowledge engineer) to index the following questions answered:
445. How is data tied together into GTN[3]?
In our first pass, we will show the steps needed to add index concepts to an
index concept set attached to "What data is tied together in the GTN?" We do
this to show how index concept parsing can be used even while the indexing
phase is taking place. Assuming, the content specialist has chosen the question
"What data is tied together in the GTN?" from the questions answered selector,
and is about to add index concepts to the index concept set associated with
this question, Table 8.3 shows the steps the content specialist takes.
The content specialist does the following:
The specialist presses the "Suggest" button.
The specialist accepts the results.
By pressing the "Suggest" button, the content specialist is requesting that the parser suggest index concepts from the text of the question. In this case, the index concept M-THING-DESCRIBE is suggested from the string "What;" the concept M-INFORMATION from "data;" and M-GTN from "GTN." Because these are just the index concepts the content specialist wishes to associate with the question "How is data tied together in GTN?", the suggested concepts can be accepted.
A more complete example of indexing a question answered in TransAsk
In the previous section, we showed the content specialist creating index concepts sets from the suggestions made by the index concept parser. In this section, we will walk through a more complete series of steps to index the question:
182. What is GTN?
Chronologically, it is likely that indexing this question occurs before the previous question. The indexing done for this question will provide the foundation for the index concept set editor to suggest the right index concepts for "How is data tied together in GTN?" In this section, we will go through the very specific steps the content specialist takes.
The first step takes is to select a question answered. The content specialist selects a question answered using the selector shown in Figure 8.2.
This displays a list of questions answered. Each question answered shows three elements: the question identification number, the number of sets of indexed concepts already associated with the question answered, and the text of the question answered. The cursor is on question 182, "What is GTN," and the content specialist uses the standard Macintosh convention of double-clicking to bring up the editor for adding index concept sets. This is shown in Figure 8.3.
Because no index concept sets have yet been assigned to this question answered, the display is blank. Clicking on the "New" button brings up the editor for adding a set of index concept sets, shown in Table 8.4.
Steps to create a set of index concepts associated with the question answered "What is GTN" before the index concept M-GTN has been created Step the user takes What the user sees on the screen Finding a blank set ofThe index set editor has four elements: a display of the text of the question answered, a place to enter a paraphrase of the question answered, the list of index concepts assigned to the question answered, and a "Suggest" button. The paraphrase text can be used to indicate that the index concepts are suggested by a different reading of the question answered. As in Casper, paraphrases can be useful as bridges from a user's input text to the canonical text associated with a target concept--for example, the paraphrase "How were improvements made to Jopes during DSS?" for "How were improvements to the system accomplished during the crisis?"index concepts assigned to "What is GTN?", the user presses the "Suggest" button to view suggested index concepts. A single index concept
is suggested, M-THING-DESCRIBE (from "What").
The names of index concepts can be added directly into the list of index concepts by clicking on the "Click here to add" portion of the index concept set display. Index concepts can be deleted from the list by clicking on the index concept and erasing the text of its name.
However, the index set editor has a powerful tool for creating index concept sets: the "Suggest" button. When the "Suggest" button is pressed, the system calls the indexed concept parser on the text of the question answered (or the paraphrase, if it is defined). The index concepts referenced in the text are placed in the set of index concepts. The content specialist can then edit the set as described above. Table 8.4 shows this in action. The content specialist has pressed the "Suggest" button, and one index concept is suggested, M-THING-DESCRIBE (from matching "What" in the text).
As we suggested in the previous chapter, using the indexed concept parser to suggest index concept sets is powerful because:
The content specialist doesn't have to add index concepts to the set manually. Instead, he or she can filter the suggestions made by the system.
The content specialist can discover which indexed concepts are missing from the conceptual memory representations by noting which index concepts are not suggested.
The content specialist can discover what phrasal patterns are missing from index concepts by noting which existing index concepts are not suggested.
In the present case, the very common M-THING-DESCRIBE is suggested, but there
is no index concept suggested that might indicate something about the Global
Transportation Network computerized automation system. This suggests that
either there is no indexed concept associated with the Global Transportation
Network, or the phrasal pattern "GTN" has not been assigned to this concept. In
fact, there is not, at this time, such an index concept, and the content
specialist has to add this concept. One can find out which of these is the
case--and create or edit the index concept--by using the index concept editor.
Figure 8.4 shows an index concept editor created for the TransAsk parser[4].
There are several things to note about this index concept editor. First, abstraction relations among index concepts are indicated by indentation--specializations of a concept appear indented immediately below the concept. Hence, in Figure 8.4, one can see that all concepts are specializations of the index concept M-ROOT. Secondly, we adopt the convention of prefixing the names of index concepts with M-; this is to remind ourselves that index concepts are not English words[5]. Third, specializations of index concepts can be viewed or hidden by pressing on the triangle to the left of an index concept. In Figure 8.4, the specializations of M-ROOT are shown, but their specializations are hidden; hence the difference in orientation of the triangle. If an index concept has no specializations, there is no triangle shown.
To add an index concept, a content specialist needs to:
Find the index concept that will be the immediate abstraction of the index concept,
Add the index concept as a specialization of that concept.
To find an index concept, the content specialist can use the "twist down" triangles to browse the abstraction hierarchy. As the hierarchy of index concepts grew large, this became increasingly difficult to do, however. So we use the index concept parser in yet another way: to find the location of index concepts in the index concept editor. To find an index concept, the content specialist can enter the text associated with the index concept, or the exact name of the index concept, in the type-in box at the bottom left of the editor, and press the "Find" button.
Because the content specialist knows that GTN is a computer automation system, he or she needs to find the index concept associated with computer programs, and add an index concept as a specialization of that. Table 8.5 shows the steps the content specialist takes to add the index concept M-GTN.
Steps to add the index concept M-GTN to the index concept hierarchy Step the user takes What the user sees on the screen The content specialist,Once the location of the immediate abstraction of the index concept to add is located, the symbolic name for the index concept is entered in the type-in box at the bottom left of the editor, and the "Add" button is pressed. Internally, this adds the named index concept to the hierarchy. Multiple inheritance is supported: An index concept can be added as the specialization of two or more different index concepts.looking for the index concept associated with computer programs, types in "program" and presses the "Find" button. The system finds the
index concept M-COMPUTER-PROGRAM and displays it. The content specialist
types in M-GTN and presses the "Add" button After the system adds
M-GTN to the index concept hierarchy, it is shown as a specialization of M-COMPUTER-PROGRAM.
Having added the index concept M-GTN to the index concept hierarchy, it is still necessary to associate phrasal patterns to this concept. A content specialist can use a simple phrasal pattern editor by double-clicking on an index concept in the index concept editor. Table 8.6 shows two views of the phrasal pattern editor.
The content specialist has now added an index concept to the index concept hierarchy, and its associated phrasal patterns. Table 8.7 shows the steps the content specialist takes to finish the indexing. The specialist presses the "Suggest" button again, and this time M-GTN is suggested as an index. The content specialist accepts the suggestions and closes the editor; the question answered "What is GTN?" has been indexed with the index concepts {M-THING-DESCRIBE M-GTN}; indexing this question is now done.
If this were a chronological description, the content specialist might then go on to index the question "How is data tied together in GTN?" Adding the index concept M-GTN and its associated phrasal patterns provides the means for the index concept parser to suggest M-GTN as an index for this question, too.
An example parsing interface for TransAsk
Figure 8.5 shows an example parsing interface for TransAsk that a
content specialist might use as he or she associates index concepts with
questions answered in TransAsk stories.
We describe it as an interface for a content specialist because it gives more detail than a typical user of the TransAsk system would require. The user enters text into the type in box at the top of the interface window, and there are three output areas:
Best matching questions. These are the results from the index concept parser, sorted by how well they match the input text. The total score, the numeric identification and the text of the question answer are all given.
Indices seen. These are the index concepts that the parser has seen in the input text. Also shown is the subtext of the input text that the index concept parser matched to the index concept, the information value of the index concept, and all of the abstractions of the index concept.
Indices predicted. These are the index concepts associated with the question answer highlighted in the best matching questions area. Clicking on another question answered in the best matching questions area will display a different set of index concepts that were predicted.
From the display in Figure 8.5, the content specialist could conclude, for example:
The questions "What information goes into GTN?" and "What data is tied together in GTN?" have the same index concepts associated with them. Using this information, he or she could decide whether this seems right or not, and make adjustments in the indexing if so. In particular, the specialist might ask whether "data" and "information" are the same for this domain.
M-TRANSPORTATION is being referenced because of the "Transportation" of "Global Transportation Network," and lowering the overall score of the best two matches. Using this information, he or she might examine just how M-TRANSPORATION is used in other index concept sets and decide whether adjustments need to be made.
In any case, this prototype interface for content specialist provides a view of the internal processes of the index concept parser and the knowledge structures that have been created to support parsing.
Using the phrasal pattern editor to associated phrases to the index concept M-GTN Description What the content specialist sees on the screen The default phrasalEvaluating the TransAsk index concept parserpattern for an index concept is simply the name of the index concept, less its M- prefix. Multiple phrases can be
associated with an index concept.
As a prototype parser for the TransAsk system, it would be premature to apply all of the evaluation criteria set forth in the second chapter. However, one of our main goals in building the parser for TransAsk was to test the ability of indexed concept parsing to scale up; that is, to work in the context of ever larger numbers of target concepts. The Casper tutor had approximately 200 customer service representative statements in the case base of target concepts--enough to do what was needed pedagogically, and a large enough case base to build a parser for. Approximately 1,600 questions answered were indexed in the TransAsk parser, a significant increase in the number of target concepts indexed. How well did indexed concept parsing scale up to this larger task?
We will look at two issues of scale up. First, we will examine the cost of indexing--asking whether it is reasonable to expect a content specialist to be able to create the index concepts sets required for a large number of target concepts. Second, we will examine the effect of a large number of target concepts on the time to parse, that is, how long it takes for the parser to return results.
The cost of indexing
In the previous sections, we gave examples of assigning index concepts to questions answered in TransAsk. In the first example ("What is GTN?"), the content specialist was required to create a new index concept and its associated phrasal patterns. In the second example ("What data are tied together in GTN?"), the index concepts needed to index the question had already been created. The content specialist used the "Suggest" button, which suggested index concepts for a question answered. When index concepts already exist in the system, it can be very inexpensive to associate a new set of index concepts to a target concept. When index concepts need to be created, then it can be relatively more expensive. On the workstation used for indexing for the TransAsk parser, it took approximately 15 seconds to add a new set of index concepts for a question answered when the "Suggest" button was used and all of the suggestions made by the system were good ones. It took at least a minute to add a new index concept and its phrasal patterns.
This suggests that the cost of indexing will depend on two things: the number
of target concepts that need indexing, and the number of new indexed concepts
required at each stage of indexing. Our experience with indexing the TransAsk
parser provides some good news: There appears to be a exponential decrease in
the number of new indexed concepts required as additional target concepts are
indexed. In the case of TransAsk, 20 or more new index concepts were required
for each 50 questions answered (or paraphrase) for the first 200 questions
answered; after that, there were always fewer than 20 new indexed required per
50 questions answered that were indexed. This is shown in graphical form in
Figure 8.6.
The good news, then, is that there actually seems to be a speed up as the system scales up; previously created indexed concepts can be reused for the indexing new target concepts. This implies that the cost of indexing will be mostly linear in the number of target concepts[6].
Parse time
As an embedded tool, an indexed concept parser must return its results quickly enough to sustain the interest of the user. In a conversational system such as Casper or Creanimate, this means sustaining the illusion that a conversation is taking place; in TransAsk, this means quickly enough so that the user does not become frustrated waiting for results.
Theoretically, the indexed concept parsing algorithm could be viewed as a
parallel algorithm: compute the match score for the input index concepts
(referenced in the input text) against each target concept in parallel, and
return the best results. Practically, the algorithm described previously
matches only against those target concepts which have an index concept in its
index concept set that was referenced in the input text[7]. This set can grow large, however, if the index
concepts are reused (as we hoped they would be, according to the previous
section). The use of this discrimination makes it difficult to describe the
exact computational complexity of the algorithm, but the parallel version of
the algorithm suggests that parsing time will be linear in the number of target
concepts[8]. As a first
approximation of the effect of the number of target concepts on parsing time,
we plotted how long it took to parse the question "What is TRANSCOM?" after 50
target concepts were indexed, 100 target concepts were indexed, and so on, up
to 1,600 indexed concepts. The index concept M-THING-DESCRIBE (which is
activated in text by "What") is a very common concept, appearing in over 70% of
the index concept sets (after all 1,600 or so index concept sets have been
created). The index concept M-TRANSCOM is also fairly common, appearing in
approximately 13% of the index concept sets. Over 75% of the index concept sets
contain either M-THING-DESCRIBE or M-TRANSCOM. Figure 8.7 plots the number of
seconds it takes to parse "What is TRANSCOM?" as the number of index concept
sets increases
These results were created on a Power Macintosh 7100/66 computer running
Macintosh Common Lisp, 2.0, running in emulation mode (approximately the same
speed as running Macintosh Common Lisp on a Macintosh IIci computer).
Figure 8.7 indicates two results:
The time it takes to parse statements that contain references to common index concepts grows linearly as the number of index concept sets increases.
As the number of index concept sets increases, parsing time begins to be too slow--even at 150 index concept sets, it takes over 10 seconds for the parser to return its results.
On the one hand, apparent linear growth is good--the use of more powerful machines, parallel processors, etc., will directly improve parsing time. On the other hand, our concern has been to build parsers that are workable now, not in the future. So the slow parsing times are a problem.
A greedy version of indexed concept parsing
The solution to this problem is to create an anytime algorithm for returning results from the parser. An anytime algorithm can return, at any point in time, its best results so far. The major cost in indexed concept parsing is in doing the matching between the input set of index concepts and the index concept set associated with the retrieved target concepts.
We can create an anytime version of the indexed concept parser by doing greedy retrieval of target concepts--retrieving just those target concepts that seem most likely to have a high match score. Recall that in the non-greedy version of indexed concept parsing, retrieval takes place in this way:
for each index concept in the input index concept set,
for each abstraction of the index concept (including the index concept),
retrieve (non-duplicated) target concepts that have the abstraction in its associated index concept set
Then matching takes place:
for each retrieved target concept, calculate a match score,
sort the retrieved target concepts by their match score and return.
The greedy version of retrieval does a presorting of the retrieved target concepts:
let retrieval-indices <- {}
for each index concept in the input index concept set,
for each (non-duplicated) abstraction of the index concept (including the index concept),
put abstraction into abstractions
sort retrieval-indices by the information value of its elements
for each abstraction in retrieval-indices
retrieve (non-duplicated) target concepts that have the abstraction in its associated index concept set
The same list of target concepts is returned by both the greedy version and the non-greedy version of the algorithm. In the greedy version, however, the target concepts that have index concepts with a higher information value in their associated index concept set are closer to the front of the list than the those that have index concepts with a lower information value. This means that target concepts whose index concepts have high information values will tend to be processed first. Note that this isn't enough to do matching--the matching algorithm can also take into account missing index concepts (missing from the input set or the target concept's index concept set) and expectations within situations. Nor does it guarantee that the target concepts are sorted by the positive evidence they provide; a number of index concepts with lower information value could possibly have a total combined information value than the one index concept used for greedy sorting. However, it does ensure that index concepts that have better discrimination value are used before those that have worse discrimination value.
The anytime version of matching simply sets a time limit on matching, and returns any results that are found before the time limit has been reached:
let results <- {}
for each retrieved target concept,
if time limit hasn't been reached, calculate a match score, and add to sorted results
else end loop
The advantage of this greedy, anytime algorithm is an upper limit can be set based on how it affects the transparency of the application program--what the users of the system will tolerate in waiting for a result from the parser. The disadvantage is the algorithm may not return the same top results as it would have if all target concepts were matched. Whether this disadvantage is serious remains an open question--the answer will probably depend on several factors, including the queries users make, the space of information values of the index concepts involved, the amount of time given to the time limit, the speed of the machine used, and so forth. In our informal prototype, a time limit of three seconds seems to be acceptable as a trade-off between amount of time to wait and results returned. Faster serial algorithms or faster machines or parallel machines will provide better results.
In this chapter, we described the process of building a prototype indexed concept parser for the TransAsk logistics advisor. Our aims were twofold: to make concrete the steps that a content specialist would undertake to create index concepts and assign them to target concepts, and to investigate using indexed concept parsing in a domain with a larger number of target concepts than were used in the Casper project.
Our evaluation of the TransAsk parser indicated that:
It is practical to build index concept representations for systems as large as TransAsk,
Parse times can be decreased by using a greedy, anytime algorithm for retrieval and matching,
In general, it is practical to build indexed concept parsers for systems as large as TransAsk.
In the next chapter, we summarize the work we have done, and compare it to other conceptual (and non-conceptual parsers) that have been created.