The Christian Harmony, or Songster's Companion
Recordings of music by Jeremiah Ingalls and others based on the 2005 performance edition of The Christian Harmony by Thomas B. Malone.
See key and copyright information below.
Listen to [Connexion] [Glimpse] [Bicentennial] [NewfoundHills] [Rain] (streaming).
Individual CD Pages: Newfound Hills, "...A Gracious Rain..."
Tunes from The Christian Harmony, 1805 by Jeremiah Ingalls
- 2 Lovely Vine [Connexion] [Glimpse] [Bicentennial] [Rain]
- 3 Crostic [Bicentennial]
- 5 Shouting Hymn [Connexion] [Glimpse] [Rain]
- 6 Tedious Hour, The
- 7 Young Convert, The [Glimpse] [Bicentennial] [Rain]
- 8 Endless Day [Connexion] [Glimpse] [Bicentennial] [Rain]
- 9 Invitation [Connexion] [Bicentennial]
- 10 Prince of Peace [Connexion]
- 11 Harvest Hymn [Glimpse] [Rain]
- 12 Melodious Sonnet [NewfoundHills]
- 13 Knowledge of Jesus [Connexion]
- 14 Love to Jesus [Connexion]
- 15 Free Grace [Glimpse] [Bicentennial]
- 17 Enquirer, The [Connexion]
- 18 New Union, The
- 19 Unity [NewfoundHills]
- 20 Conviction [NewfoundHills]
- 21 True Penitent, The
- 22 Impartial Song, The
- 23 Born to Die [NewfoundHills]
- 24 I Am that I Am [NewfoundHills] [Rain]
- 25 Sinful Youth [Connexion][Rain]
- 26 Hope [NewfoundHills]
- 27 Hallelujah Hymn [Connexion]
- 28 Pilgrim's Song, The [NewfoundHills]
- 29 Charity [NewfoundHills]
- 30 Wandering Pilgrim, The [NewfoundHills]
- 31 Honor to the Hills [Glimpse] [Rain]
- 32 Joy [Connexion] [Glimpse] [Bicentennial] [Rain]
- 33 Friendly Meeting
- 34 Begone Unbelief [Connexion] [Glimpse]
- 35 Celestial Watering [Connexion] [Glimpse] [Rain]
- 36 Weary Traveler, The [NewfoundHills]
- 37 Emmanuel
- 39 General Doom, The [NewfoundHills]
- 40 Christian Uniform [Bicentennial]
- 41 Lord Will Provide, The
- 42 Rich Provision
- 43 Jubilee [Connexion] [Glimpse]
- 44 Slow Traveller
- 45 Garden Hymn / Love Divine [Connexion] [Glimpse] [Bicentennial]
- 46 Soldier of the Cross [Connexion] [Glimpse] [Bicentennial] [Rain]
- 47 Gospel Sounds [Connexion] [Misc.]
- 48 Newfound Hills [NewfoundHills] [Rain]
- 49 Redeeming Love [NewfoundHills]
- 50 Wedding Hymn [Misc.]
- 51 Innocent Sounds
- 52 Tranquility [NewfoundHills]
- 53 Weeping Mary [NewfoundHills]
- 54 Ransom
- 55 Ode to Science
- 57 Parting Blessing, A [Connexion] [Glimpse] [Bicentennial] [Rain]
- 58 Mourning Souls [Connexion]
- 59 America [Glimpse] [Bicentennial]
- 60 Golden Streets [Connexion] [Glimpse] [Bicentennial]
- 61 Appletree, The [Glimpse] [Bicentennial]
- 62 Swiftness of Time, The [NewfoundHills]
- 63 Separation [NewfoundHills]
- 65 Millennium [NewfoundHills]
- 66 Humility [Connexion] [Rain]
- 67 Great Physician, The [Connexion] [Glimpse] [Bicentennial] [Rain]
- 68 Experience [NewfoundHills]
- 69 Heavenly Contention, The
- 71 Tribunal, The
- 72 Rejoice in thy Youth [NewfoundHills]
- 73 Fellowship [NewfoundHills]
- 74 Delight
- 75 Friendship [NewfoundHills]
- 77 Pleasure [NewfoundHills]
- 78 Salem [Connexion] [Glimpse] [Bicentennial]
- 79 Paradise
- 81 Happy Choice [Bicentennial]
- 82 Sinner's Warning, The [NewfoundHills]
- 83 Delay [Bicentennial]
- 84 Consolation
- 85 Jerico [NewfoundHills]
- 87 Verona
- 89 Renown [Connexion] [Glimpse]
- 90 Rich Man, The [Connexion]
- 91 Germany
- 92 Song of Moses [Connexion] [Glimpse] [Bicentennial]
- 93 Redemption Hymn [Connexion]
- 94 My Dove
- 95 Wisdom [Connexion] [Glimpse]
- 96 Pilgrim's Farewell
- 97 Canaan [NewfoundHills]
- 98 Gospel Pool [Connexion] [Glimpse]
- 99 Judgement Hymn [NewfoundHills] [Rain]
- 101 Beggar's Prayer [Connexion] [Bicentennial]
- 102 Channel of Mercy [NewfoundHills]
- 103 Dominion
- 104 Head of the Church
- 105 Naragansit [Glimpse] [Rain]
- 106 Barnet [Bicentennial]
- 107 Walsal
- 108 Angel's Hymn
- 109 Lily
- 110 Union
- 111 Danville [Connexion]
- 113 Northfield [Bicentennial]
- 114 Pembroke [Bicentennial]
- 115 Benevolence
- 117 Farewell Hymn [Rain]
- 119 Lynnfield [Connexion] [Glimpse] [Bicentennial] [Rain]
- 120 Salisbury [Rain]
- 121 Savior's Merits, The [Rain]
- 122 Marlborough
- 123 Builth
- 124 Heavenly Ode, The
- 125 Union Hymn [Connexion] [Glimpse] [Rain]
- 126 Think and Sing
- 127 Evening Hymn [Glimpse] [Rain]
- 128 Jerusalem [Connexion] [Glimpse] [Bicentennial] [Rain]
- 129 Columbia
- 131 Harmony [Newfoundhills]
- 133 St. Clements
- 134 Heavenly Courtier, The [Connexion]
- 135 Complainer
- 137 Livonia
- 139 Election Hymn [Bicentennial]
- 141 Election Ode
- 143 Night Thought [Glimpse]
- 145 Lamentation
- 148 Creation
- 149 Christian Song
- 151 Crucifixion
- 155 Chipping
- 156 St. Pauls
- 157 Backslider
- 158 Wednesbury
- 159 Falmouth
- 166 Elon [NewfoundHills]
- 167 Guernsey
- 169 Christmas
- 171 Landsdon
- 172 Peckersfield
- 173 Redemption [Bicentennial] [Rain]
Tunes from "CONNEXION" an Appendix of new and historic tunes added in 2005
- 175 Pennsylvania [Misc.] [Rain]
- 177 Amherst [Rain]
- 178 World's Above
- 179 Plentitude
- 180 Newbury
- 181 Vergennes
- 182 Hancock [NewfoundHills]
- 183 The Turtle Dove
- 184 Hiding Place
- 185 Narrow Space [Rain]
- 186 Derrick
- 187 Tennessee
- 188 Will You Go?
- 189 Milton
- 190 Holland
- 191 I ought to love Him
- 192 Jordan's Shore
- 193 Davis
- 194 Presence
- 195 Happiness
- 196 True happiness
- 197 Despondence
- 198 Tender Thought
- 199 Vain World, Adieu
- 201 Haverill [Rain]
- 202 Prosperity
- 203 Fallen
- 204 Rising to God
- 205 Southborough
- 206 Harmony
- 207 Southfield [Bicentennial]
- 208 Lawrence
- 209 Abington
- 214 West Burke
- 215 The Stone Forever Stands
- 217 Sun and Moon
- 218 Capulet
- 219 Bedford
- 220 Underhill
- 221 Now I lay me down [Bicentennial] [Rain]
- 223 Dust and Vanity
- 224 Aberysthwyth
- 225 Block Island
- 226 Celestial Dove
- 227 Eden of Love
- 229 Buland
- 231 Silver Spring
- 232 Morris
- 233 Oak Grove
- 234 Hold On
- 235 New Salem
- 236 Victory
- 237 Ransom (2nd)
- 238 Western Ave.
- 239 Tunbridge
- 240 Fairlee
- 241 The Hermit
- 243 Baltimore [NewfoundHills] [Rain]

The audio files are copyright Thomas B. Malone; they are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. Contact Thomas B. Malone (contact information at for other licensing terms. Web development by Will Fitzgerald as a gift to singers of Ingalls's music and the greater shape-note singing community.