p. 4, line 8, last word, read: style
p. 14, col. 1, Note, line 5, read: . . . the only design of the most . . .
p. 15, col. 2, line 12, measure 2, last two notes should be quarter notes
p. 18, col. 2, line 8, measure 2, first note should be a quarter (no dot)
p. 23, col. 2, Sec. 27, line 3, read: . . . necessary to measure the . . .
p. 24, col. 2, Sec. 28, line 2, read: two threes--or two . . .
p. 25, col. 2, line 6, read: spective accents . . .
p. 25, staff 2, last 5 notes are placed one space too high on staff
p. 28, staff 2, measure 6, third note should be a quarter (no dot)
p. 40, col. 1, Note, line 8, read: which it will only . . .
p. 61, Healing Balm, v. 4 should be labelled: 4.
p. 78, Park Street, v. 1, phrase 2, read: The glory of the lat-ter day
p. 81, Conformity, staff 3, first two notes (sol and la) should be G and A
p. 86, Arlington, v. 4, phrase 1, read: Sure I must fight if I would reign
p. 87, Marlow, v. 3, phrase 2, read: And send thy heralds forth
p. 105, Cambridge, v. 4 should be labelled: 4.
p. 106, Henry, staff 3, measure 13, note 3: fa should be an F (high)
p. 106, Consolation, staff 1, measure 8, upbeat notes should be quarters
v. 6, line 3, read: Then shall my sun . . .
p. 108, Miles' Lane, staff 1, last note (mi) should be an E
p. 119, Martyrs, v. 1, last phrase, read: From sorrow's weeping eye
p. 135, Ninety-Third, bass line, last note should be a C
p. 139, Hants, alto line, phrase 2, notes 7 and 8 should be tied
p. 148, Divine Compassion, v. 2, phrase 2, read: Which before . . .
p. 165, Viola, staff 3, measure 1, second note should be a Do
p. 165, Alarming Voice, v. 2, last two phrases read: Thou must either break or bow.
p. 166, Ganges, v. 2, phrase 2, read: It pour'd its curses on my head
p. 169, v. 2, phrases 2&3 read: Already saved from self design, From . . .
p. 173, Tamworth, v. 2, line 2, read: I with them would still be vying
p. 175, Seraph's Harp, v. 3, last phrase, read: Saints from hence your
p. 188, Carmarthen, v. 2, read: He ever lives above
p. 201, Greenfields, v. 2, next to last phrase, read: No mortal
p. 202, New Jerusalem, v. 2, line 2, phrase 2, read: And in his sweet
presence to dwell
p. 206, brace 1, v. 3, last phrase, read: The lamp of life deny?
p. 209, brace 1, staff 3, 3rd full measure, last note, Re should be D
p. 211, Zion's Pilgrim, treble line, phrase 2, last note, mi should be E
p. 220, brace 2, v. 1, phrase 2, read: I'll bathe . . .
p. 222, brace 2, staff 1, first note, should be C natural
p. 259, Scotland, v. 3, next to last phrase, last word, read: Jordan
p. 267, v. 4, phrase 3, read: There gentle herds their thirst allay
p. 269, v. 4 reads: Jehovah! 'tis a glorious Word! O may it dwell on every tongue!
But saints who best have known the Lord, Are bound to raise the noblest song.
p. 273, brace 1, staff 3, 5th measure, last note, F should be La
p. 276, v. 7, line 1, read: . . . he calmly said,
p. 278, brace 1, staff 3, measure 3, 2nd and 4th notes should be Do
p. 281, v. 1, phrase 2, read: What its signs . . .
p. 281, brace 2, staff 4, measure 5, Do should be an E
p. 289, brace 1, 3rd phrase, read: Legato
p. 290, brace 2, staff 1, measure 3, first note should be a half note
p. 293, first line of text, phrase 3, read: I will take the cup
p. 300, brace 1, staff 4, first two notes Sol and La should be F and G
p. 308, Wurtemburg, v. 2 should be labelled: 2
p. 310, Salvation, brace 2, staff 2 and 3, last notes (La) should both be E
p. 325, brace 1, staff 3, 7th full measure, 2nd and 3rd notes, Mi and Re
should be D and C
p. 332, Be Joyful in God, v. 2 should be labelled 2
p. 337, Brace 1 staff 4, text, read: Heav'n with the echo shall resound
p. 340, Cana, staff 2 should begin with an upright G-clef
p. 353, brace 2, staff 3, text, read: people, Cast up the highway . . .
p. 357, brace 2, staff 4, 3/2 section, measure 4, first note should be a whole note
p. 369, v. 2, phrase 5, read: In vain . . .
p. 373, Adoration, v. 3, read: The Lord is great! His mercy how abounding
p. 379, brace 1, staff 1, last measure, first note should be dotted quarter
Index of First Lines, entry should read: Farewell my dear brethren.
Index of First Lines, entry "Would you win a soul to God" should be omitted
Some tunes, e.g., Eden of Love, have inconsistent accidentals. Earlier editions tended to use more diachromatic scales, with few (if any) accidentals. Later in the 18th century accidentals were often added (especially in minor keys), but inconsistently. For a more primitive sound, one might try dropping accidentals wherever possible.